Piersland House in Troon - a premier Ayrshire party or special celebration venue

Parties and celebrations at Piersland House

Looking to celebrate with a birthday party or anniversary party in Troon?

Enjoy a celebration at Piersland House, a place where your guests will love our easily accessible location with plenty of FREE car parking, especially if they are travelling a distance to your event

We have an excellent local reputation for memorable celebrations and special occasions

Anniversaries or renewal of vows are celebrations with family members and close dear friends which are perfectly suited to Piersland House

Birthday parties
At Piersland, we think birthdays should be fun filled and full of laughter. We want your party to create family memories, and be your most important day of the year

View and download our celebration menu options below

Menu 1 from £26.95

Menu 2 from £27.95

Menu 3 from £39.95

*the menu options are suitable for parties of up to 40 guests